The later teenage years help establish skills needed during young adulthood. With these new skills, fifteen year olds also begin to take on more responsibility and decision making for themselves....
Category: Teenagers
By 19-years old, many teenagers have ventured off on their own and left the familiarity of their parent’s house. Although your health has always ultimately been your responsibility, it is even more...
At the age of fifteen, teenagers only have three short years left before high school graduation. These years provide an important time for teenagers to develop the confidence, maturity and skills to...
If you are trying to lose weight, you might wonder if milk will help you or hurt you. A lot of people try cutting out dairy products because of things they have read or been told by other people, but...
Maybe you studied really hard for your exam, or maybe you procrastinated and are doing some last minute cramming while simultaneously hoping the test just gets canceled altogether. Either way, you...
With all of the nutrition tips out there, you might feel confused about what you should actually be eating for your age and lifestyle for top health. It seems like everyone has an opinion about what...