Uncertainties and countless changes fill the teenage years. Among these changes, a teen experiences evolving social dynamics and crucial growth and physical development. Adjusting to these...
Category: Teen Nutrition
Fourteen years old marks a time of change. Most adolescents start puberty or are in the process of puberty changes. These changes may bring a teenager pride or embarrassment and many struggle with...
Girls must juggle many things during their teenage years with friends, family, hobbies, school and extracurricular activities. At times, a teenage girl may find herself missing meals or snacks as she...
We live in a society that puts a lot of emphasis on weight. While weight can be one of many tools in assessing someone’s health, it is important to remember that there is so much more to it than...
16-years old is such an important time of development. Physical, emotional, and mental development are all happening simultaneously and it may be a confusing time as you get used to the changes that...
The teenage years are an essential time of growth and development. Your body has a lot going on and must be prepared to handle everything being thrown at it! Being underweight can affect puberty-...