Thirteen marks the beginning of the “teen” years. While all teenagers will develop at different times and rates, many will begin to experience physical changes at this age. Thirteen-year olds may...
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Almost every runner can recall watching or participating in a competition where the lead runner loses in the final stretch of the race. The ability to continue with the physical and mental effort of...
Runners hope for ideal running conditions, but lack control over many important factors such as weather, sickness or even the lane they start in. However, runners are usually able to control their...
While my friend consistently munched on her favorite dry cereal, I always went for the banana and peanut butter combo before a race. We each found the food that we felt gave us the best chance of...
Most athletes can recall an event where the food eaten a few hours before the competition led to unpleasant side effects. When focus and athletic ability make all the difference in success during...
Between practices, games, school and other teenage responsibilities, softball players use high amounts of energy each day. A player’s dietary habits will significantly impact those daily energy...