The world of nutrition can be confusing, and it might seem like everyone has an opinion! This often leads to fear mongering of certain foods or food groups… So what is the truth about protein? Does...
Archives: Blog
Even when childhood is left behind for adolescence, parents continue to want the best for their kids. While you may no longer find yourself in charge of every bite of food or activity, you still...
Shopping for clothes, discussions with friends, media and even doctor visits push teenagers to consider their weight. Adolescence also marks a time of significant growth and development. With these...
What is the Average Height of a 15 Year Old? And How to Get Taller?
Being a teenager can be tough. You and everyone around you are going through different stages of growth and development and it can be hard to not compare your growth to your friends’. While there...
Weight is such a hot topic among all age groups, but it is normal for parents to be concerned about their teenager’s weight. Parents want the best for their kids, and that includes the best for...
Last minute meal decisions often lead to food with less nutrition in favor of convenience and ease. At a time when dietary choices play such an important role in proper growth and function, busy...